Our Aircraft
You can find us parked at the end of the furthest hangar in the south-west parking. Look for our banner!
Cessna 182P - N9910E
- Cessna 182P
- Engine: 230HP
- Billed per hour wet, based on tachometer time (not Hobbs!)
- Garmin GNS 530 WAAS
- Garmin GTX-345 ADS-B Transponder
- Dual Digital NAVCOM (one with flip-flop)
- Autopilot (1-axis)
- Trimble Terra 230 Audio Panel
- JPI EDM 700 engine monitor
- Fitted cover
Cessna 172K - N7425G
- Cessna 172K
- Engine: 160HP
- Billed per hour wet, based on tachometer time (not Hobbs!)
- Dual NAVCOM (with flip-flop)
- Garmin GTN 650 GPS
- GTX-345 ADS-B Transponder
- Four-place intercom
- Fitted cover